Kay’s Books

Kay Jantzi award-winning author and photographer of Little Thoughts for Big Days and Safe IN A HARD PLACE, is excited to announce her third book in the sequel series of Faith, Hope, and Love. Through the pages of “You Are Loved”, Kay invites her readers to journey with her to Bethlehem to find the perfect love of a Saviour born that night, in less-than-perfect surroundings, into a less-than-perfect world, so He could love us unconditionally in ours. 

“You Are Loved” is a Gift Book, designed to lift the reader into the sweet presence of a God of Love, through inspirational prose, scripture and real-life, full-color photography. It ponders the humble birth beginnings of our Saviour when a supernatural, divine love was born into a world in need. Its writings will challenge you to look to the cross and rejoice in the glorious resurrection of our Saviour, who today, loves each one beyond measure.

I’m delighted to announce that ‘You Are Loved” has achieved the prestigious “Mom’s Choice” Gold Seal of Excellence honoring family-friendly media in 63 countries around the world.

ISBN: 978-0-9959593-2-3 | 44 Pages | $19.99 CAD + 5.00 Shipping & Handling

Honouring Excellence in Family Friendly media in 63 countries around the world


Enjoy Little Thoughts for Big Days and its sequel, Safe IN A HARD PLACE by award-winning author and photographer Kay Jantzi.

The sequel to “Little Thoughts For Big Days.” 
I’m delighted to announce “Safe IN A HARD PLACE” has won gold!
The prestigious and international “Gold” ‘Moms Choice Award.’
The Mom’s Choice Honoring Excellence seal of approval is trusted by parents and educators in 63 countries and is widely recognized as the symbol representing the best in family-friendly media, products and services.  

Kay Jantzi, award-winning author and photographer of Little Thoughts For Big Days, takes readers into a “dare to go deeper” kind of faith with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in this sequel, Safe In A Hard Place. Delve deeper into your faith with this collection of “Faith” thoughts enhanced with treasured Scripture and God’s beautifully designed creation.

As you glean valuable insight from some of our great Bible heroes, be reminded of how we serve a faithful God, who cares deeply for us and always with our best interest at heart. He’s a God of second, third, and fourth chances and a God whose strength is made perfect in our weakness. It’s a solace to know because He parted the waters of our Red Sea last year; He can, and will, deliver us from the fiery furnace today; and shut the mouths of lions next week. Our real-life story isn’t always a “happily ever after,” yet we know our God is a faithful God who protects us through the hard times as He fashions them together for our good and for His glory. 

Safe In A HARD PLACE is a gift book dedicated to you, right where you are! You may be in the heights of success or flat-out in the middle of the lowest of lows on the skid-row of a hard place. If it’s a “step out on the water” kind of day, step out with a strong faith that can move mountains and dive in deep with our God of miracles.

ISBN: 978-0-9959593-1-6 | 44 Pages | $19.99 CAD + 5.00 Shipping & Handling

Mom’s Choice, Honouring excellence in family-friendly media

Enjoy this collection of ‘Little Thoughts’ of reflective inspiration, supported with Scripture and enhanced with the vibrant nature of God’s amazing and beautiful creation!

When the many hats you wear seem not enough and the journey ahead daunting, this collection will lift and encourage. It will refresh and strengthen your weary heart and your beautiful soul.

Little Thoughts for Big Days is a gift book, designed to lift you into God’s presence through His astounding creation and His Word. You will find encouragement and hope laced throughout it’s pages for your hard and difficult days! Set in on your coffee table for a quick pick-me-up at just the right moment.

It’s dedicated to women everywhere because life is so fragile and we are so needy for grace. It’s dedicated to my own girls, Angela, Carissa and Kim, truly busy moms in the work-a-day world, for all the days that are so routine and so kid-full.

It’s dedicated to you, right where you are in your journey, and to your children and your children’s children.

Purchase “Little Thoughts For Big Days” or “Safe IN A HARD PLACE for yourself or as a gift for someone who needs a healing, soul-soothing boost! You will also find some of my favourite images are available for purchase as well.  

ISBN: 978-0-9959593-0-9  | 40 Pages  | $19.99 CAD + 5.00 Shipping & Handling

Award Winning Book in the Gift Book Category
Mom’s Choice, honouring excellence in family-friendly media

Award-Winning Finalist: in Religion “Christianity” Best Book Awards 2018 American Book Fest.

Award-Winning Finalist:  in the Religion “Christian Inspirational” category of the 2018 International Book Awards.

Award Winner:  in “Gift Book” category in the 2019 Book Excellence Awards.

Pinnacle Award:  in “Best Book in Inspirational Gift” from the National Association Of Book Entrepreneurs.

Award-Winning Finalist: in Religion “Christianity” Best Book Awards 2018 American Book Fest.

Award-Winning Finalist:  in “Best Novelty & Gift Book”  Best Book Awards 2018 American Book Fest.


If you have any questions or any other inquires, please feel free to contact us at: chariskpublishing@cogeco.ca

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