Little Thoughts For Big Days
Enjoy this collection of ‘Little Thoughts’ of reflective inspiration, supported with Scripture and enhanced with the vibrant nature of God’s amazing and beautiful creation!
ISBN: 978-0-9959593-0-9 | 40 Pages
Mom’s Choice, honouring excellence in family-friendly media
When the many hats you wear seem not enough and the journey ahead daunting, this collection will lift and encourage. It will refresh and strengthen your weary heart and your beautiful soul.
Little Thoughts for Big Days is a gift book, designed to lift you into God’s presence through His astounding creation and His Word. You will find encouragement and hope laced throughout it’s pages for your hard and difficult days! Set in on your coffee table for a quick pick-me-up at just the right moment.
It’s dedicated to women everywhere because life is so fragile and we are so needy for grace. It’s dedicated to my own girls, Angela, Carissa and Kim, truly busy moms in the work-a-day world, for all the days that are so routine and so kid-full.
It’s dedicated to you, right where you are in your journey, and to your children and your children’s children.