Safe In A Hard Place


Safe In A HARD PLACE is a gift book dedicated to you, right where you are! You may be in the heights of success or flat-out in the middle of the lowest of lows on the skid-row of a hard place. If it’s a “step out on the water” kind of day, step out with a strong faith that can move mountains and dive in deep with our God of miracles.

ISBN: 978-0-9959593-1-6 | 44 Pages

Mom’s Choice, Honouring excellence in family-friendly media

The sequel to “Little Thoughts For Big Days.”
I’m delighted to announce “Safe IN A HARD PLACE” has won gold!
The prestigious and international “Gold” ‘Moms Choice Award.’
The Mom’s Choice Honoring Excellence seal of approval is trusted by parents and educators in 63 countries and is widely recognized as the symbol representing the best in family-friendly media, products and services.

Kay Jantzi, award-winning author and photographer of Little Thoughts For Big Days, takes readers into a “dare to go deeper” kind of faith with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in this sequel, Safe In A Hard Place. Delve deeper into your faith with this collection of “Faith” thoughts enhanced with treasured Scripture and God’s beautifully designed creation.

As you glean valuable insight from some of our great Bible heroes, be reminded of how we serve a faithful God, who cares deeply for us and always with our best interest at heart. He’s a God of second, third, and fourth chances and a God whose strength is made perfect in our weakness. It’s a solace to know because He parted the waters of our Red Sea last year; He can, and will, deliver us from the fiery furnace today; and shut the mouths of lions next week. Our real-life story isn’t always a “happily ever after,” yet we know our God is a faithful God who protects us through the hard times as He fashions them together for our good and for His glory.